Sunday, July 11, 2010

From Paris With Love (Pierre Morel) (2010)

From Paris With Love is John Travolta trying to recapture the base he had lost (young males) but it fails miserably. The plot was cliched and boring. Basically it was John trying to be bad ass again it was a blatant advertisement of his rebirth blah blah ( remember me I was a bad ass in Pulp Fiction).

Many of the movies "funny" moments relied on cliched stereotypes about military and post 9/11 humour which can be brilliantly funny but the writing was far too sloppy to be considered laughable. The movies plot derives from a very cliched place a person(Rhys Meyers) who has a great life, hot girlfriend etc is just dying to see some action as a "agent" oooo lala. The thing is he gets paired up with a person who shoots first and asks questions later ( Travolta). But it gets better and better because the two of them get into so many jobs and places where it would seem that escape was inevitable but they manage to pull it out with Travolta killing 12 at a time while they're surrounding him. So of course they do the most obvious thing with the plot and involve terrorism and drugs original I know. But as it turns out Rhys Meyers girlfriend is actually one of the terrorists and he most confront her. But the greatest part of this masterpiece is that guess what country the drug smuggling and plan to bomb the UN embassy? That's right Pakistan and guess where the bombs are hidden under heir burkas. An obviously blatant propaganda push as France had just placed a law banning burkas to stop fundamentalism and stop terrorism. SEE it's beautiful.

The one bright spot in this mess is the romance between Rhys Meyer's and his girlfriend in the movie but they fuck that over by making her the main terrorist who he must kill in the end and he does. The movie ends in one of the shittiest looking shots of the characters playing chess and Rhys Meyer revealing that he now carries a desert eagle and is now a lot like his thuggish partner( Travolta). There is talks of turning this abomination into a franchise I really hope not. I can normally jsut stand that are pure escapism but this one has no real value or evn re watch ability if a sequel were to arise. Man Morel is doing pretty bad with this directing thing but then agin his movies aren't my style.


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